RFE: "last db update > last manual sync" indicator

I’ve been wanting an easier way to determine when a database has been modified since its last manual sync. A simple indicator of that condition for dbs listed in the Sync this database… column of Preferences > Sync would be sufficient. Thanks!

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll ponder it.

You can mull, too. :slight_smile:

I’m open to other ideas for minimizing unnecessary manual sync attempts.

Umm… stop Syncing? 8)

A user could get a rough idea by comparing the modification time-stamp on the database package and on the sync store – a simple scripting exercise.

Well, I did say unnecessary:stuck_out_tongue:

AFAIK that timestamp is updated every time a db is opened/closed, even if no content is modified. I think you’d have to use the timestamp of the last modified record for comparison purposes.