Round Trip markdown documents (not PDF)

I am wondering how to send a markdown file to a markdown editor (e.g., Ulysses or 1 writer) for editing and then get the edits back in DevonThink.

I know in apps that support document providers that you can do this, but this requires you to be in the alternate app, then select the file through DevonThink as a provider. I’m wondering how I can make this work when I’m already in DevonThink viewing the file. The share sheet only offers options like “copy to”. Even when I select “open in”, there aren’t options for editing that result in having the edits show up back in DevonThink.

What would be really great would be figuring out how to round trip documents from DevonThink to Editorial (which doesn’t support document providers). I had the idea of using Workflow to

  1. search a specific DevonThink group,
  2. return results in Workflow (I can get this far),
  3. but then open the selected document in Editorial,
  4. then allow me to save the edits back to the DevonThink file

I’m not sure how to accomplish steps 3 or 4

Interested to hear about other folks workflows along these lines.

iOS ≠ macOS. Files aren’t handed around like they can be on a Mac. (Welcome to the sandbox. :imp: ) The Document Provider is the mechanism that allows some data sharing between apps. So you’re not going to merely “open a document in DEVONthink To Go” in Editorial.