RSS feeds help

Rather than divert from this thread, I’ll post a new troubleshooting one.

I’ve got my RSS feeds set to remove manually, and yeseterday I deleted all the feeds in a given RSS link and this morning it’s got the new ones today, but also has the old ones. Does this mean that these feeds are republishing the old ones? Or is it a beta bug in DTPO b7?

An example is MacUpdate’s RSS software feed. I deleted all but one I wanted to followup on and there are now ~50 articles, 30 new, and 20 of which I’ve already seen and deleted and the dates were from last Friday and some from May.

Edit. In fact I just re-deleted them before starting this message and went back to DTPO and they are back (auto update every 15 minutes). Does this mean it’s being pushed from the server and DTPO can’t have any way of knowing what’s been deleted on my side?

Maybe you could post a screenshot of your DTPO RSS preferences in case any of their settings might be influencing this behavior?

Thanks for the screenshot.

Misbehavior you might get with that one isn’t unusual. Brent Simmons (NetNewsWire developer) has mentioned numerous times that MacUpdate and VersionTracker feeds have issues, e.g. VT duplicates. Their server admins seem disinterested in fixing them regardless of how often they’ve been reported.

Looking closer, it’s all my feeds. Is manually deleting them the issue? Should they be automatically deleted via DTPO?

Is my format wrong? Here are some random examples in my DB.




DEVONthink Pro doesn’t yet remember which items have been deleted by the user and therefore they’re reimported if they’re still part of the current feed.

So it’s a side effect of the beta and something to be worked on?


Yes and no. The feeds are currently optimized for archiving and/or automatic removal (by simply locking the feeds/news you want to keep). This will be enhanced but probably by a 2.x release.