RSS Feeds not pointing to right link

I cant find a way to have DT generate a new feed.
I have tried dl the feed using find and replace to fix the rss-feed, but that does not solove my problem becaus then I wouldn´t get updates on the feed automaticly.

@cgrunenberg might know more about this. From what I could gather from the scripting dictionary, I don’t see a way to modify the content of a feed record (I can’t even read it, there’s nothing in the data, plainText or source properties, at least not for JXA).

Here’s what might be a workaround:

  • use a smart rule that acts on New messages (or whatever the english term is)
  • have it run a script that
    • downloads the RSS with downloadMarkupFrom.
    • extract the title and links of the items from that structure and build a Markdown or HTML file from them in which you can click on the link and get to the right page.

Clumsy, I know.

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Feeds are just containers like groups, they don’t have any contents on their own. The children of the feed are the contents.