Hi I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
But I am adding \https://www.stjornarradid.is/extensions/news/rss/Kaerunefnd-husamala.rss as RSS feed, the feet come up right but URL is wrong.
For example in RSS reader the latest feed “Mál nr. 135/2023-Úrskurður” has an link pointing to \https://www.stjornarradid.is/gogn/urskurdir-og-alit-/stakur-urskurdur/2024/07/03/Mal-nr.-135-2023-Urskurdur/
But DevonThink points to \https://www.stjornarradid.is/?PageID=0e3c47f7-5369-11e8-9428-005056bc4d74&NewsID=6f3439da-3d1b-11ef-b886-005056bcde1f
That link is not working.
Hi I change first comments so the tags arre now visible, but attached you will find a screenshot of the XML file and as mentioned before, it is like DevonThink uses the wrong tag.
RSS feeds aren’t controlled by us and they are often created with specific details that may not work in every application.
Development will have to assess this.
Sadly, that is true, but there is no chance that I will be able to have the Icelandic government change all of their RSS-feeds.
The feed validator indicates that this is a valid RSS feed, with some minor trouble late in the feed.
Still, DevonThink does not display links in the beginning of the file correctly.
I have tried 12 different RSS-readers and they all read the file in a correct way, is there any chance to have Devonthink to readit the same way.
The whole problem is that DevonThink is choosing to use the <guid> tag in stead of the <link> tag. (the isPermaLink=true is only to stade that the <guid> tag contains an full URL)
The <guid> tag is only ment as an unique identifier for the item, not a link to article.
That’s about the syntax. Here, you’re fighting with semantics: The producer of the RSS chose to use a value for guid that points to another article than the link. Which is weird – why would they do that? The guid, whose permalink attribute is true by default, must contain a valid URL, and that one should uniquely identify the resource the link identifies. Anything else would be pointless.
I guess that the guid is indeed supposed to be pointing at the same resource. But it might be malformed: https://…/?PageID=0e3c47f7-…&amp;
That looks suspicious: They might have wanted to write &&, which would have been decoded to &&. What they wrote, will be decoded to &, and that’ll probably not resolve to anything useful. While
is taking you to the same link as the URL in the link element.
So, even if every single Icelandic government institution uses this format for their guid elements, it might be a good idea to tell them about the errors of their ways – what they intend to do is not what they’re doing.
Since I doubt that DT will be fixed just to accommodate the errors of some web developers: Perhaps a smart rule can fix the broken URLs? It shouldn’t be too difficult to replace &amp; with &&.
This actually makes a lot of sense, considering that a sizable portion of DevonThink users are academics, and permalinks are a thing in their fields. For most other feed readers this is not the case. Hence the different programming decisions.
You are absolutely right, the link is broke due to the missing “&”. I have sent request and requested that this will be fixed, but I cant say that I have high hopes for that.
It would be nice if I could chose what tag DT would use.
You mention that I could use a smart rule to fix the link, I haven’t been able to get that working. Does any body have an idea how to to that?
This goes beyond the scope of DEVONthink, which isn’t a bespoke RSS reader but a document / information management application that allows viewing feeds. However, the request is noted.