Safari 15.0 – Hotkey for saving a bookmark to DT

I remember that some time ago, it was easy to quickly clip bookmarks to DT without using the mouse or touchpad, just a few keyboard clicks.

In later versions (of Safari or DT), there was the hotkey to open the dialog box left, but no Hotkey kwon to me to fire the “Hinzufügen” Button (German version).

Currently, I am even missing the hotkey to open the clip dialog box.

Do I overlook something?

Want I want ist a quick way to clip several webpages into DT.

Shift-Cmd-c if you haven’t touched the shortcuts. (and I think DT must be open, but not sure).

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Yes, this is true in Safari.

However, you can assign a more global hotkey in DEVONthink’s Preferences > Sorter > Clip to DEVONthink.

Hi rfog,
Thanx, yes, Shift-Cm-C works. I assume this did not change and I used it in the past.
If I recall correctly, this short key was mentioned in the Safari add on settings.

The hotkey shift-cmd-c works and the dialog box appears.
If I am in a session collecting bookmark for a certain subject, I do not need to change anything in this dialog box.
Is there any Hotkey to click the button “Hinzufügen”? It is annoying to switch from the keyboard to mouse or touchpad to reposition the cursor and click on the proceed button.
Would be nice if the return key would do the trick.

Command-S adds the item.

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Hello Jim,
you made my day.

As stated above, I forgot the “Shift-Cmd-C” to open the Dialogbox.
It looks like there is no menu item für clipping to Devonthing in the Safari menu. This would help to look up oder define the hotkey.
I was trying to find the information in the manual, but no success.
There is on info regarding hotkey in the section “BROWSER EXTENSIONS” of the current manual.

BR Herb

Glad to hear it :slight_smile:

Help > Documentation > Preferences > Sorter

… though perhaps I can add a link in the documentation.