Saving plain text file without changing the extension

I use DEVONthink to search and make small modifications to (C#) source files. When I save any change done in DEVONthink, a “.txt” extension is added to the file name:

ex: myfile.cs -> myfile.cs.txt

Appending the “.txt” is problematic since it moves the source file outside the C# compile.

How can I save a plain text file without appending the “.txt”?

In terminal, use this hidden preference setting to tell DEVONthink about additional plain text extensions that it should recognize

defaults write com.devon-technologies.thinkpro2 AdditionalPlainTextExtensions -string .cs

Replace “.cs” with your own extensions, if you wish.

I’ve tested this over here before replying to you and DEVONthink respected the .cs extension.