Scan Tailor advanced

My copy of finereader pro sometimes gets tripped up on less than perfect archival material. I’ve used ScanTailor to convert problematic sources to dewarped, despeckled, monochrome tiffs that can be ocred without problems. It has been forked to Scantailor advanced, which, among other things, is multithreaded.

The only problem? There’s not a macos port. Luckily, the gui is crossplatform-- it uses qt5.
I used fink to install some qt5 libraries, and set about tweaking the cmake files. (based on the current stae of fink, I should really use a different package manager…)

Here’s my script. Put it in the source directory-- adjust the paths to be consistent with your local installation, chmod +x it, and run it.

export Qt5_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/
export Qt5Core_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/
export Qt5Gui_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/
export Qt5Widgets_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets/
export Qt5Xml_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5Xml/
export Qt5Network_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5Network/
export Qt5LinguistTools_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5LinguistTools
export Qt5OpenGL_DIR=/sw/lib/qt5-mac/lib/cmake/Qt5OpenGL
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++" -H. -Bbuild

It doesn’t create a fancy clickable app-- just invoke it of the command line, or double click on /usr/bin/scantailor. Nor is it very elegant.

On the other hand, it did get this program up and running.