Scans in Binder offset by one

I haven’t been used the DEVONthink scanning feature a lot. However, now I got to scan a pile of old receipts. There’s this Binder feature in Imports. Whenever I choose documents and select “Add to Binder”, it seems that the selection is offset by one. For instance, if I select four images and add them to a new Binder, it selects one document that was not selected and leaves one selected document out of the Binder. If I choose only one document and add it to a new Binder, then it adds one other document instead (probably the previous one).

Could you record a screencast of the behavior and send a link when you hold the Option key and choose Help > Report bug to start a support ticket?


OK, I’ll look to it at a later time. In short though, I select these two Imports that I scanned.

Then right-click => “Move to New Binder”. Instead of the two files I selected, the first two Imports go to Binder and the last one I selected remains.

Same if I select for instance six imports. The last one doesn’t go to Binder and one that I didn’t select goes to Binder.

Thanks for the screencaps. I have confirmed this behavior and will forward this. Thanks for your patience and understanding.