As far as I know you will need the S1500M so that it works with the ScanSnap Manager software that connects it to the Mac.
DEVONthink Pro Office comes with a black-box version of Abbyy FineReader that makes scans searchable. If you need more granular control over the OCR process you’d need e.g. the full version of Abbyy FineReader. Adobe Acrobat also has a build-in OCR module but also more advanced PDF editing options (that go beyond annotating).
So the cheap offer is not for me I’ll try to find out, whether S1500M is the one to go for, cos I’ve read a post at, which says one can also go for the S1500.
Anyone here, who uses the S1500 with Mac?
Edit: I have found someone, who states on
“ich verwende den Fujitsu SnapScan S1500 (Win Version) zusammen mit DevonThink Pro Office.
Die Winversion ist deutlich günstiger und hat trotzdem den OSX Treiber dabei.
(Die Mac Version hat noch irgendein Adobe Dinges dabei)
Das in DevonThink integrierte Abbyy Fine Reader erzeugt durchsuchbare PDFs.”
(I use the Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500 (windows version) with DTPO. Winversion ist much cheaper and has got the OS X driver nonetheless. (Mac Version comes with some Adobe stuff) Abby Fine Reader, which is part of DT makes searchable PDFs.)
One other suggestion for you S1500M searchers… Check your local edition of Craigslist… We occasionally have the S1500M’s show up here in the Los Angeles area for prices between $150-$400 – I almost was going to drive about 2 hours to get one for $150 but decided to wait for a closer one… Regardless, they show up on Craigslist every few weeks so that might be an option… I recently picked up an S1300M (smaller/slower) for $100 and it works great but is a bit slow but the price was great!
I just want to let you all know, that the following companion works like a charm:
Scansnap S1500 for Windows (NOT the one for Mac) WITHOUT Adobe Software AND DevonThinkPro.
All software you need comes with the Scansnap S1500 (ScanSnap Manager) and some more: Evernote, Cardiris4 and others. Abby Fine Reader to OCR scans comes with DTPO.
So don’t waste your money and go for S1500 Windows without Adobe.