I don’t know about the others, but this happened to me frequently during my early days of using DT:
I indexed a folder that contains many documents, I started to move the documents around to other groups by replication. The problem was, I used “move to” without knowing it sometimes. When I tried to check the number of documents in an indexed group versus the number of files in the linked macOS folder (usually at the year end), I always find mismatches. When that happened, I needed to compare thousands of filenames between a macOS folder with the names of documents in the DT’s indexed group to identify which indexed files in DT had been misplaced. This painful auditing process taught me remembering to always keep a replicant of the files in their original indexed group - but it still happens some times.
This script identifies all misplaced indexed files and indexed groups - files/sub-groups that have moved to other DT locations from their original indexed parent group/s - and offers users a choice to create a replicant of those files back to its original indexed group.
I have a macOS folder named “Idx Gp 1” with three files.
The folder is indexed to DT but the three files within have moved/replicated to many different locations. Therefore, it seems that the “Idx Gp 1” in DT is empty but the “Idx Gp 1” macOS folder still conatins the three files.
I use search to find all indexed items in the database and user needs to select the groups/items to be checked by the script.
Note 1: The script can only find misplaced indexed files but not misplaced indexed groups. EDITED 2020.04.26 It turns out that the script can also handle misplaced indexed group, too.
Note 2: By design, the search and selection of indexed item is not automated. It is because some users may only want to audit the misplacement on some selected indexed files, and some users may have many thousands of indexed files and they don’t want to process the checks all at once.
- A reminder that only items in one database are checked each time.
- The report of misplaced files, MIF is the misplaced indexed file identified and TIP is the true indexed parent of the MIF. Three actions are offered: do nothing; make a replicant of the MIF back to its TIP; make replicants of all MIFs to a user-selected group for further evaluation.
- Log message is generated to keep track of the replications.
REMINDER 1: In some occasions, user may have indexed files into DT directly instead of indexing a macOS folder. In such a situation, the directly indexed files do not have a true indexed parent group - which is correct - and will not be reported.
REMINDER 2: Use a test database to test the script function carefully. The script has quite a few alert boxes because of a process that deals with a lot of records needs to be careful.
The script
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- by ngan 2020.04.25
--v1b2 handle misplaced index files only
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecords to selection
set theMisplacedRecords to {}
set theDB to database of root of think window 1
set theScriptName to name of me
-- script only check misclocated files in single database
if button returned of (display alert "This script can only run for files in single database" buttons {"Cancel", "Continue"} default button 2) is "Cancel" then return
show progress indicator "Find misplaced files"
repeat with i from 1 to length of theRecords
step progress indicator "Checking file ..." & i & "/" & length of theRecords
-- get the path of each indexed file
set theRecordPath to path of theRecords's item i
--get only the parent-as-group for each record. if a parent group is also an indexed group, it will have a normal path in folder
set theParentsPath to (path of parents of theRecords's item i whose tag type is not ordinary tag)
set theParentsFullPath to {}
-- Manipulate the path info to prepare for comparisons with the indexed file
repeat with each in theParentsPath
set end of theParentsFullPath to each & "/" & (filename of theRecords's item i)
end repeat
-- if path of an indexed file cannot be found in the path of any of its parents, the file is misplaced
if theRecordPath is not in theParentsFullPath then
-- The true indexed parent should have the same folder path as the misplaced indexed file
set theTrueParentPath to my findAndReplaceInText(theRecordPath, filename of theRecords's item i, "")
--Find the true indexed parent - UNLESS the file is indexed directly then theTrueParent will return {}
set theTrueParent to item 1 of (lookup records with path theTrueParentPath in current database)
set end of theMisplacedRecords to {theRecords's item i, theTrueParent}
end try
end if
end repeat
step progress indicator "Reporting misplaced files ..."
-- prepare the report for misplaced indexed files
set numMisplacedRecords to length of theMisplacedRecords
set lostChildReport to ""
if numMisplacedRecords is 0 then
-- No misplaced indexed file
display alert "No dislocated indexed file"
hide progress indicator
-- prepare the list of misplaced file and suggests three actions
repeat with each in theMisplacedRecords
set lostChildReport to lostChildReport & " MIF: " & (location of each's item 1 & name of each's item 1) & return & " TIP: " & (location of each's item 2 & name of each's item 2) & return & return
end repeat
set theAction to button returned of (display alert "Total of " & numMisplacedRecords & " misplaced indexed files" & return & return & lostChildReport buttons {"Cancel", "Replicate to True Parent", "Replicate to a Group"} default button 1)
end if
if theAction is "Replicate to True Parent" then
-- replicate the misplaced indexed file back to its indexed parent
repeat with each in theMisplacedRecords
replicate record each's item 1 to each's item 2
log message "'" & (location of each's item 1 & name of each's item 1) & "' is replicated to " & (location of each's item 2 & name of each's item 2) & "'" info theScriptName
end repeat
display alert "check log message for replications" giving up after 3
else if theAction is "Replicate to a Group" then
-- replicate all misplaced indexed files to an asisgned group for further evaluation
set theDestGp to display group selector for theDB
repeat with each in theMisplacedRecords
replicate record each's item 1 to theDestGp
log message "'" & (location of each's item 1 & name of each's item 1) & "' is replicated to " & "'" & (location of theDestGp & name of theDestGp) & "'" info theScriptName
end repeat
display alert "check log message for replications" giving up after 3
end if
hide progress indicator
end tell
on findAndReplaceInText(theText, theSearchString, theReplacementString)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theSearchString
set theTextItems to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theReplacementString
set theText to theTextItems as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return theText
end findAndReplaceInText