Script for opening an indexed file or folder/group in DEVONthink from an external app (e.g., Finder, Alfred, HoudahSpot, etc.)?

I was wondering if I could get the group’s help with this script again? By way of reminder, one of the scripts that I originally posted was intended to “reveal” files from Finder in a new DEVONthink window (first, find the file in DEVONthink; then, open a new window for its parent folder/group in DEVONthink; finally, select the file in the new DEVONthink window). However, I’ve never been able to figure out how to get this particular script to work with more than one file at a time.

In the script below, it seems clear to me that the problem lies in the way that I’ve set the window (when opening it and setting its selection). However, I’ve never understood how to deal with this issue in DEVONthink. Because I’ve set the window’s name, in order to make a selection, when there is more than one file, they all open in the same window. Does anyone know how to fix those last couple lines of code, so that each file opens in its own window and is selected appropriately (i.e., the lines beginning with “set theWindow…”)?

Thanks again for all of your help!! To make things easy for everyone, I’ve also uploaded the script here: Download Script.

tell application "Finder"
	set theSelection to selection as alias list
end tell

if theSelection ≠ {} then
	set my text item delimiters to tab
	set theFilePaths to {}
	repeat with i in theSelection
		set end of theFilePaths to POSIX path of (contents of i)
	end repeat
end if

if theFilePaths ≠ {} then
	repeat with i in theFilePaths
		tell application id "DNtp"
				set theDatabases to databases
				set theResults to {}
				repeat with thisDatabase in theDatabases
					set thisDatabasesResults to lookup records with path i in thisDatabase
					set theResults to theResults & thisDatabasesResults
				end repeat
				if theResults is not {} then
					set theResultsParent to (first parent of first item of theResults)
					set theWindow to open window for record theResultsParent
					set theWindow's selection to theResults
					display alert "the file/group does not exist in the current DT database"
				end if
			end try
		end tell
	end repeat
end if