Scrivener files and version 3.5

Well this is news to me; good news - if it’s true. Storing my Scrivener projects in DT3 and syncing them via DT3 would simplify my workflow considerably. I’m guessing that you obviously wouldn’t edit the Scrivener files in place (in the DT3 editor) but that wouldn’t matter as it would only take a moment to open them ‘externally’ (i.e., in Scrivener), and I could keep other relevant files next to the Scrivener projects. All my writing stuff would be in one place.

Just to be clear, I’m not talking about storing and syncing Scrivener projects as indexed files, but importing them into a regular database.

But I’d thought for some reason that this wouldn’t work, or that it might appear to work but actually be fraught with danger, because of the way DT3 reassigns the locations of imported files according to its own requirements, thus messing up the components of the Scrivener project packages.

In a similar way, I remember a while back noting that an imported HTML file wasn’t able to use its ancillary but necessary javascript or css files, because the file structure (and thus the file paths) would be changed; the css or javascript files would no longer have the same relative locations in the Finder, and thus the HTML page wouldn’t be able to ‘find’ them and so not render properly. The answer back then was to index the files instead of importing them, in order to maintain the folder structure and thus the paths that the HTML file expects.

This used to be the case in DTPO - but, a quick test just now in DT3 using an HTML file with a dependent css file in a subfolder shows that it appears to render the css as expected! I don’t know how it’s managing to do that, since DT3’s ‘show in Finder’ on the HTML file shows me that the dependent css file is no longer located where it’s specified to be in the HTML file. So something’s changed since that old post, maybe to help that kind of thing along, but I don’t know if that ‘thing’ is safe for Scrivener projects. I wouldn’t like to go ahead and import them if they’re going to get minced somewhere down the line.

Perhaps I’ve been living under a rock and keeping Scrivener projects in DT3 is now perfectly safe. Does anyone already do this successfully?

It would be nice if development could chime in here for some clarity.