Search Set Site Restrictions?

Are there certain restrictions on DA’s ability to log in to a site and perform a search? Allow me to explain.

In a new search set, under the sites tab, I have entered in a location (site). This particular site requires a user name and password to gain entry. I enter both the user name and the password in their respective fields (making sure to click the little plus sign to be sure it is added). However, when I run my search under that set nothing comes up under the ‘pages’ tab of my search results. Under the “log” tab of the search results there is a link that displays, "The article that you are trying to access requires you to log in.’

This is leading me to believe that DA is not supplying the site the information that I gave it. Everyone has been so great by helping me work out the speedbumps that I’m hitting that I have to be careful not to rely too much on this forum. However, when I get stuck…I post a question :unamused:

At the moment DA supports only HTTP authentication (the one popping up a sheet to enter user & password for a site), maybe plugins will support additional ways in the future but the “Sites” list of search sets will be always limited to this kind of authentication.