Searching causes loose of reading position


I am searching for a document and get f.e. 10 results. The search term also gets automatically applied to the search field for the focussed document. That’s good so far and helps a lot.

But I think it would be better that the reading position is not being
updated if you’re in this kind of search mode and you’re just evaluating the different results.
If I really want a new position to be saved then I would already have focused on one of the results, cleared the search field… and most likely have scrolled a little bit in my found document.

So far I am loosing my reading positions with every click I do on my resultset because the first match within the documents automatically is being displayed.
What you think about that ?


Yep, this sounds a useful solution. I’d not considered the impact of the Find feature, which I’ve been using for tagging keywords for preparation of smart folder creation.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’d also like the ability to add hard bookmarks. It doesn’t need to be fancy implementation, PDFpen seems to solve there being no set bookmark standard by separating a my bookmarks category in Table of Contents. If DT could create its own DT bookmarks here, even if I needed to use a full-featured pdf app to then remove them, it would at least cut down on some round-tripping, when I do want to add a definite return-to placeholder.

Development would have to assess this.

I just figured out another think that confused me.

If I clear the search field within the document and select another document … the search within the document still continues with the term I was entering in the “main search”.

It seems to me that the two search fields are not separated clearly.
This way I am not able to search for two documents and compare f.e. page 5 from both documents because with every switch the first page is being selected.

If you clear the Search inspector you can enter another search term when you select another document.

So I am not able to leave it blank in order to have just the resultset of documents without any additional automatic searches within the document(s) ?

Development would have to comment on this, but when you do a toolbar search, it automatically generates an in-document search with the same text terms.

I have also a similar problem. When I use global search to find a document. I do not really need to search the same query inside the document. This should be separated with an option.