in DT on my Mac it works, but on my iPhone and iPad I cannot find words inside Numbers documents. I have shallow sync enabled in DTTG’s devices. Is this expected behavior?
Thank you.
in DT on my Mac it works, but on my iPhone and iPad I cannot find words inside Numbers documents. I have shallow sync enabled in DTTG’s devices. Is this expected behavior?
Thank you.
WFM. Did you check if the document is available to DTTG? How exactly did you search for the word in DTTG?
The document is available in DTTG meaning I can see it, open it, and select the text I’d like to find. Although I’m now noticing that the Search option (the one in the three dotted menu when the document is selected) doesn’t seem to work for any Numbers documents in the database.
It’s a single word, so I just searched for it from the search bar; I also tried to search just the group.
Thanks again.
Not very clear, but you probably simply typed the word. Try
text: theword
instead. Does that work?
I don’t know what you’re referring to. A screenshot might help. I was talking about the search field that appears when you pull down slightly on the current view.
No, it still doesn’t find it.
Yes, I was referring to the same search method. But I also noticed that the search function in the menu highlighted below doesn’t do anything, so maybe it’s related.
Interesting. On iPad, DTTG behaves as you describe it. I tested before on an iPhone, and there I can find a numbers document in a group when I search for text:word
. Using “Search…” from the “…” context menu when the document is open, doesn’t do anything, either. Perhaps @bluefrog knows more.
For QuickLook-previewed formats like Pages, Numbers, etc.:
So you can find a Numbers document but you can’t then search the contents while viewing it.
Got it. Thank you!
My pleasure