Searching Markdown document fails

I have a Markdown document starting like this:

[size=150]Edgar Wallace and the end of WWII[/size]

Edgar’s birth: 6 Jan 1917
Edgar’s death: 13 Aug 1946

End of WWII: 2 Sep 1945

The source code for the document looks like this:

Edgar Wallace and the end of WWII

Edgar’s birth: 6 Jan 1917
Edgar’s death: 13 Aug 1946

End of WWII: 2 Sep 1945

Now when I search for the phrase “13 Aug 1946” I expect the document to show up, but nada. So it looks like DTTG searches the source code of Markdown documents, not the document as we see it.

This is unexpected to me, because a Rich Text document with the characters 1946 in the content does turns up. (And Rich Text documents are - like Markdown docs - generated/rendered from of a source code too. The RTF source code contains lots of escape sequences).

What to do to make Markdown docs showing up?

That’s correct, for Markdown DEVONthink To Go searches the source text, not the rendered copy. RTF documents store the pure text separated from formatting so that’s no issue.

We’ll see if we can filter out at least the * and _ in-line formatting from Markdown so that they’re indexed correctly in these cases.

That would be great!

I think as users we normally assume to search for the words in the rendered version.

ps: Intersting that RTF stores a plain text version!

Fixed for the next release.

I am actually trying to search DEVONthink 3 for embedded links in a Markdown document like:

Set up payment account for |Nunes & Charriers|+x-devonthink-item://472A006E-A1DE-4728-AD49-629C32655393+ --> I replaced [ ] and ( ) so that my example would display CS

Searching for content that matches x-devonthink-item://472A006E-A1DE-4728-AD49-629C32655393 does not return any results. However, if I convert the document to plain text the search returns the document.

How can I search for links in a MD document?

Best regards,

Carl Schulz

See Search for x-devonthink-item link not working

You can search links in markdown records if you write the text in custom meta data, then search within that meta data.

A great idea from @gg378, see Backlinks (aka Incoming Links) revisited: DTTG