Searching on pubmed

If I search on pubmed with devonagent pro I get the title and authors information and the url, but not the abstract of any found search result. If I export to devonthink, therefore I have only those information (and not the abstract) in DT. Only after clicking on the url, I can see the abstract. Is there a possibility to include also the abstract text (which is available on a pubmed search
online) into the summary of the search results?

Thanks for the suggestion, we’ll consider this for upcoming releases of course.

Yes, this is virtually essential for effective use of DA and Pubmed , please facilitate

A workaround for this is to use the feature on pubmed which lets you set up an RSS feed for a search and then create a DT3 group for that feed. The abstracts will be included when items are retrieved.


That’s a very nice option.

just retried it now , DA on Pubmed is loading the Abstracts !!! its brilliant :slight_smile:

I’ll look into the RSS Feed too
