Selecting multiple files with Shortcuts

Hello again,
As we can’t use DTTG with other apps such as iA Writer, I wanted to create a shortcut to get all the files from a DTTG folder and copy them into a local folder (to be used by iA Writer).

But it is impossible to get all the files from a folder: the shortcut Get the items of group only creates a list of the items (one empty file named as the original document per document).

So it would be very practical to be able to select multiple files in Shortcuts! I really want to be able to use DTTG with other apps.

iAWriter supports the File Provider mechanism in iOS, so yes you can open files in DEVONthink To Go with it, make edits, and see those changes in our app.

Yes I know, but it works with files individually. Not when you add images for instance.

What do you mean by “adding images”? MD supports links to images, as does iAWriter and Drafts.

I mean links to local images (for instance on the same folder). When you open a Markdown file from DTTG in iA Writer, only the current file is loaded on iA Writer, not the linked images (or other files from the folder).

That’s why I suggested to be able to add a Shortcut: to be able to quickly import a full folder from DTTG to another app (for me iA Writer but it should be useful for other apps).

How does iA Writer “load” images otherwise?

From the current folder… if not external.