"send to" DevonAgent from Firefox?

Hi all,

I use Firefox for general browsing (and because I can add bookmarks), but more often than not I want to open a page in DevonAgent purely because of its integration with DTPO is ‘cleaner’. Is there a way (an Apple script perhaps?) to open a current URL in DevonAgent from within Firefox? I was thinking it would almost be a ‘send to’ command of some sort.

Look forward to hearing any ideas/tips…


The AppleScript support of Firefox is unfortunately a joke but you might try this script (just save it as ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/Firefox/Open URL in DEVONagent.scpt and enable the script menu extra):

tell application "Firefox.app"
			set theWindow to window 1
			set this_URL to «class curl» of theWindow
		on error
			error "No browser is open/in front."
		end try
		tell application "DEVONagent" to open URL this_URL
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "Firefox" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell

You could also try to drag & drop a link onto DEVONAgent’s Dock icon.

Thanks, Christian - very kind. I get a “no browser is open/in front” error with the script, but it gives me something to go on so I thank you.

It may mean shifting my browsing habits to Safari and modifying that script myself (have always wanted to learn scripting).