Set prism theme for Markdown code?

Is it possible to set the Prism theme for Markdown code blocks?

Possibly by adding your own CSS sheet.

Is there a particular CSS class I need to hook into? Do you know exactly what files are included in DT (css, js)?

Nope. But you could simply export your MD file as HTML in DT and then open that HTML document in (insert your favorite browser here) and inspect it in its developer tools.

That’s a very smart idea. I’ll do just that. Thanks!

An option to consider is to use Marked 2 with DT for your markdown needs.

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I know this thread is rather old, but I came across it while trying to solve the problem from the original post: Selecting a Prism theme instead of using the default one.

After moving on, I came across a good solution in an older thread, and figured it may help anyone else that ends up here later: How to enable Prism on DT 3.5? - #17 by MosCool_Noel

This doesn’t utilize the extension checkbox in the DEVONthink preferences, but it is a working way to set alternate Prism themes for rendering markdown files in DEVONthink.

Welcome @happyclam
Glad to hear the old post had some utility for you!