Setup at Home and Remote with two laptop and ipad

I basically have the same setup. I have Devonthink3 on my laptop and on a MacMini and DTTG on my phone. My DB’s live on my Synology and I sync all of my other devices from that via WEBDAV. Works like a charm.


If I understand you correctly, you seem to attribute synchronization outside your local network with WebDAV. Correct?

that is correct, yes.
I thought of two different sync-options, based on my location. When I am not at home, I thought of using WebDav, when I am at home in my private network, I thought of using a faster option than WebDav.

As @BLUEFROG mentioned, if there’s no need to sync over the internet, you shouldn’t. It’s usually slower and increases the chance of someone maliciously obtaining your data. Exposing your NAS on the internet or placing your sync store on an external server are examples of such situations, so please bear in mind any associated security risks.

Many thanks for this highlight. I don’t need to sync all my databases over the internet, only a few. I have created a specific folder on my NAS with access only by one user with high-valued password to get access to those databases. Each database is also secured by a high-numbered password and my NAS is secured by 2FA.

Yeah, that is basically my standard-setup till now, and I don’t have any problems with that. I was just thinking how to improve that, when I am at home and maybe speed up the syncing by using another sync-option when I am in my private network, other than WebDAV which I use when I am on the run.