I have around 8 databases. Most are just for me. Two are for just my wife and one we share. The shared on is 5GB in size. We want to keep the databases on a single iMac and sync to mobile DEVONthinkToGo clients on mobile devices (iPhones and iPads) using Bonjour over our home Wi-Fi network. We don’t do any cloud syncing.
I guess there are two scenarios:
Put databases in each user’s private area on the Mac and sync that user’s mobile devices when they are logged into the iMac on their user account, and placing the shared database in the iMac shared folder. This means we have to be super careful to close the shared database on each user account before switching user accounts on the iMac … It’s a pain, and for reasons I can’t solve DTPO doesn’t currently open the shared DB on my wife’s (non-admin) Mac user account (its fine when I log in with my admin account).
Keep the databases in each of our own personal areas on the Mac. I read a posting by @BLUEFROG that mentioned an alternative way of having the shared database duplicated in each user account area with one being a server and the other a client syncing over Bonjour, but it didn’t really explain how to do this (presumably both would need to have DT running at the same time so it can sync, and presumably both have to have DT running in the background so that the respective user can sync their mobile devices without having to switch user account son the Mac too)? Apologies, I can’t find that post to link the URL of that support posting.
Could some kind person help me to work out the best way of approaching the mix of separate and shared databases for different users on the same iMac, and if it is option 2 above, help to explain how to go about this in a bit more detail?
Very many thanks