Shortcuts — Proposal — Get currently selected item

We use the following construction

Can you, dear developers, add an option to Get DEVONthink item with action — Currently selected?

And if selected is nothing, not to show error message, but return something like NULL.

It would be good also to detect a type of selected record — group, file or even NULL.

No promises but the suggestion is noted.

Unfortunately, the Shortcuts action runs independently of the DEVONthink To Go main app. Therefore there is no selection as the Shortcuts spin-off has no selection. You would need to build a shortcut that you can run from the Share menu within DEVONthink To Go.

You would need to build a shortcut that you can run from the Share menu within DEVONthink To Go.

And running a URL Scheme in a Shortcut is broken in iOS 14. However, one of our friendly users checked for me and said it is working in iOS 15. :slight_smile:

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I use Slide Over where it is possible — it’s more convenient for me.

My shortcuts for DTTG begin with construction from beginning of topic.

When a file supposed to be selected in DTTG (DTTG is open now), and currently selected is a group, I get error, because current shortcut cannot work with a group.

So I am looking for way not to get errors, but message to select what has to be selected.

I understand I have to be attentive, but there are many shortcuts already, and I work with my colleague who uses my shortcuts.

I ask to help me get a way not to get errors, but messages.

You need to call the Share menu from the view that holds the document, e.g., from the right-hand pane or the slide-over that shows the document.

Beginning of every of my shortcuts for processing photo-files in DTTG

Selected is nothing. If I run a shortcut for process either a file or a group in DTTG, I would get error.

Selected is group. If I run a shortcut process a file in DTTG, I would get error, because further shortcut actions intended to process a file.

Selected is file. If I run a shortcut for process a group in DTTG, I would get error, because further shortcut actions intended to process a group.

How to get appropriate message like “Select a file” or “Select a group” instead of error? How to set up a shortcut to define what is currently selected (nothing or file or group) in active DTTG window?

Maybe to apply x-error key? How to bypass the error, if user selected inappropriate record or selected nothing?