Unfortunately, the Shortcuts action runs independently of the DEVONthink To Go main app. Therefore there is no selection as the Shortcuts spin-off has no selection. You would need to build a shortcut that you can run from the Share menu within DEVONthink To Go.
I use Slide Over where it is possible — it’s more convenient for me.
My shortcuts for DTTG begin with construction from beginning of topic.
When a file supposed to be selected in DTTG (DTTG is open now), and currently selected is a group, I get error, because current shortcut cannot work with a group.
So I am looking for way not to get errors, but message to select what has to be selected.
I understand I have to be attentive, but there are many shortcuts already, and I work with my colleague who uses my shortcuts.
I ask to help me get a way not to get errors, but messages.
How to get appropriate message like “Select a file” or “Select a group” instead of error? How to set up a shortcut to define what is currently selected (nothing or file or group) in active DTTG window?