Show first file in list - DT3b1 feature request

I’m using DT3b1 in a Navigate/List/Widescreen pane-configuration.

Two requests: in the navigate pane it would be nice if double-clicking opened the database in the navigate pane (ie did the same as clicking on the arrow-icon next to the database) - I’ve come to expect that behaviour and it is often easier than aiming for the icon.

Second: when a list appears in the list pane it would IMHO be intuitive for the first document in the list to be displayed automatically/immediately in the preview. I have my lists sorted by date of creation and most often need the latest document in the list. If I need a different document, then having the first one in the list automatically appear in the preview does not alter my workflow or make it more difficult (I still only have to click once to show the other document; but it would save me a click when what I want is the most recent document).

in the navigate pane it would be nice if double-clicking opened the database in the navigate pane (ie did the same as clicking on the arrow-icon next to the database) - I’ve come to expect that behaviour and it is often easier than aiming for the icon.

Are you referring to the disclosure triangle to the left of the database’s name? And double-clicking it expands the database in the Navigate sidebar?

sort of - currently a single click on the disclosure triangle in the navigate pane shows the groups etc. contained in the database in the navigate pane. I would like a double click on the name of the database (in the navigate pane) to do the same thing. DT3 already behaves in this way in the list view (middle pane), but not in the navigate pane, so is currently not consistent and so IMO not intuitive.

So the (first) request is: where there is a disclosure triangle, a double click on the text next to the disclosure triangle should always perform the same action as clicking on the disclosure triangle.

Development would have to assess this.

Meaning that double-clicking on a database in the sidebar should expand it? And should it be collapsed too if it’s already expanded in this case?

That is exactly what I mean, yes (limited expansion, ie showing the same contents as when clicking on the disclosure triangle)

In other views (eg. the list pane) in DT3 double-clicking has the same effect as clicking the disclosure triangle, and I have spontaneously double-clicked in the navigate pane whilst using DT3, expecting the same behaviour.