Sidebar and Content Could Have Different Customizations

Hello DEVONThink Team,

I noticed something that has been nothing me lately, and I would like to mention it. It would be really nice if we could customize font size in the sidebar and content further. The current settings allow for increments of one. Example, 13, 14, 15.

For whatever reason, it seems like I am never happy with the size. Once the size goes above 15, the App looks horrendously ugly (I know, it’s kind of funny :laughing:). Maybe we could have .5 increments?

Thank you in advance for hearing my input.

You guys are doing such a great job.

A proud owner of DEVONThink 3 Server.

Thanks for the suggestion! However, .5 increments wouldn’t be appealing probably either due to antialiasing. But if there’s a common need for this we’ll add it.

A proud owner of DEVONThink 3 Server.

Congrats! I’m sure you two will be very happy :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you for considering. :smile: