Site specific search in DA

A while back I’d posted a request asking how to use DA to a " " search, and someone had taken the time to explain exactly how to create a new Plugin to do exactly this. However, I can no longer find that posting, as it appears to have been removed.

I’d appreciate it if someone could outline this again, or point me towards documentation that explains how to do it.


This isn’t necessary anymore, in case of search engines supporting this (e.g. Google or Bing) you can simply append site:… to the search query, e.g. devonthink

Alternatively you could create a search set, add the domain(s) (see “Sites” tab of Window > Search Sets) and switch the mode from “Crawl” to “Search”.

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Very good to know, Chris! Thank you! :star_struck:

Hmmmm. At my place it’s not behaving as @cgrunenberg has said it would. What am I doing wrong?

This isn’t necessary anymore, in case of search engines supporting this (e.g. Google or Bing) you can simply append site:… to the search query, e.g. devonthink

Works. I want to search only here in the forum, for instance, so I use a general search set and look for, say, "zettelkasten and get results.

Alternatively you could create a search set, add the domain(s) (see “Sites” tab of Window > Search Sets) and switch the mode from “Crawl” to “Search”.

Does not work. I never get a result. I tried “” but never got any result. Mode was set on “Search”.

The correct URL is

Yeah, thanks. It was actually correct in DevonAgent. But as I said, with this search set I’m not finding anything.

What am I missing?

A screenshot of the search set would be useful, especially of the General, Advanced & Sites tabs.

Here we go. My plan is to have site-specific search sets so I can just search on one website. Example: I only want to search on or I want to search on several sites at the same time, like arXiv, JSTOR, Elsevier etc.

So here are the screenshots for the search set:

And next question: for any search to take place at all, I have to choose at least one modul, correct? Usually web or Google probably… correct?

You have to set the mode (“Modus”) to search instead of “Crawl”, see screenshot of “Sites” tab.

sorry. that was a mistake only for the pic. It is on “search” all the time.

This is the protocol if I’m running the search “gregor” on this very site here:

In “Übersicht” and “Resultate” it shows nothing.

Note: You don’t have to use search sets to search. Search sets are intended for repeated or automated searhes.

One-off searching is done in a search window by selecting a plugin via the magnifying glass…

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This seems to be a site-specific issue, the next maintenance release should fix this. In the meantime one workaround is to enable the Express mode.

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OK, I was wondering about something like that.

So can I just put together a plugin that searches on this forum only, or on the big four scientific databases I mentioned? Or should I just use module “Web” or “Google” and work with “site:blabla”?

Also, is it correct that DuckDuckgo does not work with “site:”?

Both approaches are possible, a search set has the advantage that you don’t have to specify the site: parameter all the time. However, this forum will fail in both cases.

I just tried this and it seems to be supported.

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can I just put together a plugin that searches on this forum only, or on the big four scientific databases I mentioned?

This isn’t always so easily accomplished, especially as many on-site search engines are using JavaScript nowadays.

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So for this forum I have to come in here. OK.

When I use the DuckDuckGo module, I get this … and I tried again, and now it works, showing in protocol it retrieved 8 links where before it said, not working or something. I don’t remember, but now it works.

All solved.

Also, so no one thinks I’m the guy who is searching his own name everywhere (as it shows in the screenshot), I want to point out I did this to find this very thread here with my name in it.