Smart Group Highlight Summary

I often review several documents for specific assignments. I highlight whats of interest, “summarize annotations as sheet”, and keep the results summary as a reference.

I also use Smart Rules for different search types. Eg. Smart group A looks for keywords in list A, Smart Group B looks for Keywords in list B. This allows me to get a sense of what I should be looking for before I dive in to highlight whats important for the project I am working on.

Is there a way to summarize the results/highlights within each smart group as I would if I manually highlighted?


The AppleScript command summarize highlights of is possibly what you’re looking for.

You can’t select a smart group and summarize it since it’s not a document (or a series of documents). You can however, select matched items in a smart group and use Tools > Summarize Annotations > … and the resulting document will be created in the root of the database.