Smart rule finds files with tags even in excluded sub groups

There is a problem with the filter “Tag” in a smart rule/group: also objects are detected and processed that are located in a subfolder, although subfolders should be excluded. Subfolder exclusion works for all features but not for tags. This is the configuration of the rule.

Bild 05.04.21 um 18.08

The files that are found anyway are tagged with DoRed and located in the group Eingang/Redaktionen/DoRedaktion.

What is going wrong? Or is this intentional?
Kind regards

It looks like this is an issue specifically with the Global Inbox.

Jim, I can’t confirm that - I was able to reproduce the same behaviour when selecting a database as the search location in the smart rule.

Screencaps of the parent group expanded, showing the subgroup and its files as well as the matches in the smart group would be helpful.

Here is the smart rule:

It acts on my test database, contents of which are:

Note the file tagged helm is in the fortagtest/deeperfortagtest group (I wondered whether groups in the root of a database weren’t considered subgroups for the purpose of the smart rule; but deeperfortagtest is certainly a subgroup).

The results of the smart rule:

I only saw this behavior in the Global Inbox.

Thanks for the bug report, this is an issue when only the root of a database should be searched but not its subgroups.

Fixed in the next release.

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