Smart Rule: No valid database reference

I wanted to move records after sync to a database’s incoming group and close the database if it wasn’t open before the script opened it. There seems to be a bug with database references.

  • My first approach was opening the database and getting its incoming group.
    It does work if the Smart Rule is triggered manually. It doesn’t work if used as an embedded or an external script with trigger After Synchronization, the database opens but the script seems to fail to get the incoming group. There’s no specific error reported, just

    „DEVONthink 3“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: AppleEvent lieferte eine Zeitüberschreitung.

  • My second approach was to get the incoming group with get record at. This too doesn’t work in an embedded or an external script, same error message.

  • My third approach was get record with uuid and that works.

Although I don’t need to explicitly open the database when using get record with uuid I investigated further and these two lines don’t seem to result in a valid database reference:

  • This one doesn’t throw an error but using close theDatabase at the end doesn’t close the database:
     set theDatabase to database theDatabaseName
  • This one opens the database but throws the error mentioned above:
    set theDatabase to open database theDatabasePath
-- Move records after sync and close destination database

property theDatabasePath : "/Users/USER/Documents/DEVONthink/DEVONthink Datenbanken/Datenbanken/test twitter.dtBase2"
property theDatabaseName : "test twitter"

on performSmartRule(theRecords)
	tell application id "DNtp"
			set theOpenDatabaseNames to name of databases
			if theOpenDatabaseNames contains theDatabaseName then
				set closeDatabase to false
				set theDatabase to database theDatabaseName
				set closeDatabase to true
				set theDatabase to open database theDatabasePath
			end if
			#set theGroup to incoming group of theDatabase
			--> „DEVONthink 3“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: AppleEvent lieferte eine Zeitüberschreitung.
			#set theGroup to get record at "/Eingang" in theDatabase
			--> „DEVONthink 3“ hat einen Fehler erhalten: AppleEvent lieferte eine Zeitüberschreitung.
			set theGroup to (get record with uuid "8F3AE377-221F-47C7-A06A-B8098A1CD6E5")
			--> works
			repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
				move record thisRecord to theGroup
			end repeat
			if closeDatabase = true then
				delay 2
				#close theDatabase
				close (database of theGroup)
			end if
		on error error_message number error_number
			if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
		end try
	end tell
end performSmartRule

Confirmed here. @cgrunenberg will have to comment on this.


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