Smart Rule to replicate groups from disparate DB's?

I’m trying to fix an organizational problem, and thought I could do so with a Smart Rule. I have databases for Active, Inactive and On-hold projects. Each project contains a group for “Legal Documents,” which contains the following subgroups…

  1. Canines - DRAFTS
  2. Canines + ACTUAL
  3. Canines > Responses
  4. Canines * Appeals
  5. Canines ! Complaints

Those subgroups are indexed because the file size for the documents they contain is variable – and can sometime be quite large.

Anyway, I’ve also got a separate database that I’ve build just for Legal Documents, and had originally set up Indexed parent groups for each of the legal document subgroups from my Active, Inactive and On-hold project-databases, e.g…

A. LegalDocs - DRAFTS
B. LegalDocs + ACTUAL
C. LegalDocs > Responses
D. LegalDocs * Appeals
E. LegalDocs ! Complaints

And so, this set up enables me to see the following indexed groups – if one could see the contents of the parent groups…

A. LegalDocs - DRAFTS
1. Canines - DRAFTS

B. LegalDocs + ACTUAL
2. Canines + ACTUAL

C. LegalDocs > Responses
3. Canines > Responses

D. LegalDocs * Appeals
4. Canines * Appeals

E. LegalDocs ! Complaints
5. Canines ! Complaints

I find that this set up isn’t great, however, partly because DTP’s Indexing can be a bit fragile.

So, I was wondering if there might be a way to better set up parent folders A - E. For instance, I was thinking that there might be a Smart Rule set up for replicating all folders (and their contents) that contain some of the text for the folders, e.g., “1. " and " - DRAFTS” ; “2. " and " + ACTUAL” ; “3. " and " > Responses”, etc. Or maybe there’s a way to set a Smart Rule to create a Smart Folder that would collect folders containing that filename-syntax. Is either possible?

I welcome any ideas / suggestions… Thanks!

Items can’t be replicated across databases but a global smart group could be used to collect the interesting enclosing groups from various databases (e.g. marked via a label or tag).

Thanks, @cgrunenberg. But a global smart group would just appear in the window’s sidebar (under Smart Groups), and I’m trying to sync parent folders A - E in my Legal Document database.

Is there any other approach / solution you might suggest?


It’s not possible to mix the sync of multiple databases.