Used to use this here heavily to create a markdown (or rather: org-mode
markup link) from item-link.
Now I get an error message: Invalid argument searchString
-- Created: Sunday, 6. September 2020 14:37
-- Copy record link(s) as markdown link(s)
tell application id "DNtp"
set windowClass to class of window 1
if {viewer window, search window} contains windowClass then
set currentRecord_s to selection of window 1
else if windowClass = document window then
set currentRecord_s to content record of window 1 as list
end if
if currentRecord_s = {} then
display notification "Nichts ausgewählt!" with title "DEVONthink"
end if
-- if only ONE link selected
if (count of currentRecord_s) = 1 then
set theRecord to item 1 of currentRecord_s
--set itemName to (name of theRecord)
set itemName to (filename of theRecord)
set itemURL to (reference URL of theRecord) & "?reveal=1"
set theMarkdownLink to "[[" & itemURL & "][DEVONthink: " & itemName & "]]"
set the clipboard to theMarkdownLink
display notification theMarkdownLink with title "Markdown-Link kopiert"
else -- several links selected
set theMarkdownLinksString to ""
set theCount to 0
repeat with thisRecord in currentRecord_s
-- set itemName to (name of thisRecord)
set itemName to (filename of thisRecord)
set itemURL to (reference URL of thisRecord) & "?reveal=1"
set thisMarkdownLink to "[[" & itemURL & "][DEVONthink: " & itemName & "]]"
set theCount to theCount + 1
if theCount ≠(count of currentRecord_s) then
set theMarkdownLinksString to theMarkdownLinksString & thisMarkdownLink & return
set theMarkdownLinksString to theMarkdownLinksString & thisMarkdownLink
end if
end repeat
set the clipboard to theMarkdownLinksString
display notification theMarkdownLinksString with title "Markdown-Links kopiert"
end if
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell
Thanks @pete31 and @cgrunenberg for your help.
Here is the updated version:
-- Copy record link(s) as org-mode markup link(s)
-- for selected record(s)
-- Created: Sunday, 6. September 2020 14:37
-- Updated: Friday, 20. November 2020 10:26
tell application id "DNtp"
set theRecords to selection
if theRecords = {} then
display notification "No records were selected. - Please select one or more records." with title "DEVONthink"
end if
-- if only ONE record was selected
if (count of theRecords) = 1 then
set theRecord to item 1 of theRecords
--set itemName to (name of theRecord)
set itemName to (filename of theRecord)
set itemURL to (reference URL of theRecord) & "?reveal=1" -- NB: Adding "reveal" to link!
set theOrgModeMarkupLink to "[[" & itemURL & "][DEVONthink: " & itemName & "]]"
set the clipboard to theOrgModeMarkupLink
display notification theOrgModeMarkupLink with title "Copied org-mode markup link to clipboard."
else -- several links were selected
set theOrgModeMarkupLinksString to ""
set theCount to 0
repeat with thisRecord in theRecords
-- set itemName to (name of thisRecord)
set itemName to (filename of thisRecord)
set itemURL to (reference URL of thisRecord) & "?reveal=1"
set thisMarkdownLink to "[[" & itemURL & "][DEVONthink: " & itemName & "]]"
set theCount to theCount + 1
if theCount ≠(count of theRecords) then
set theOrgModeMarkupLinksString to theOrgModeMarkupLinksString & thisMarkdownLink & return
set theOrgModeMarkupLinksString to theOrgModeMarkupLinksString & thisMarkdownLink
end if
end repeat
set the clipboard to theOrgModeMarkupLinksString
display notification theOrgModeMarkupLinksString with title "Markdown-Links kopiert"
end if
on error error_message number error_number
if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
end try
end tell