[Solved] Database update in new release not completing

Hi there,

is it expected that database maintenance for my shallowly synced >1tb database would run for a very long time after the recent update? The actual size of dttg contents on my iPhone is 15gb.

Maintenance has not completed after 48 hours with dttg running in the background throughout.

How many items does this database contain and how much disk space is left on the iPhone?

Appreciate the quick response.


And what do you see after quitting and relaunching DEVONthink To Go? Is it still doing a verify & repair?

This is what I see, including after closing and relaunching DevonThink.

I see same, but I left DEVONthink ToGO open and on the iPhone screen and let it continue to completion.

@eboehnisch would have to comment with more authority, but you are talking about a database that’ 1.9TB(!) with almost 30,000 PDFs. That’s a ton of data.


However, there have not been any problems recently syncing it via Bonjour, or otherwise.

If there was a way to completely exclude database items from being synced with DTTG, then I would probably exclude 90%.

Will try, although it does seem to continue processing when DTTG is in the background.

My understanding (and of course I probably am wrong!) is that background processes in iOS are not continuous and may not be as reliable (or even executing at all) as you expect. iOS is in complete control of how it it allocates resources to DEVONthink ToGo, not DEVONthink ToGo.

Probably best if you can keep it in foreground till it complete.

Seems you hit the nail on the head here. Thx for that hint!

Keeping the DTTG app in the foreground, the process completed after a bit over 5 minutes. That seems completely reasonable given the amount of data to be processed.

I had just falsely made the assumption it was actually processing in the background, because it seemed that way anytime I looked at DTTG.

It is often discussed that DEVONthink To Go can only sync in the background at the whims of the OS and for only short periods of time, e.g., 30 seconds.

Sure, but that could have been particular to network connections. iOS apps do run in the background and perform operations in the background.

Either way, it’s no problem to keep DTTG in the foreground during this occasional maintenance after a release, now that I know it’s necessary

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