[SOLVED] Problem with "copy with source link"

If I select a text like “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet” in a PDF document inside my DEVONthink database the command “edit → copy with source link” it returns the correct markdown text:

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
SOURCE: [name of the document](http:x-devonthink-item://761BD449-DC4E-47AD-B664-ECA1B3BD8144...)

But if the PDF document is an indexed file the command “edit → copy with source link” returns the link as plain text like this:

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 
SOURCE: http:x-devonthink-item://761BD449-DC4E-47AD-B664-ECA1B3BD8144...

Expected result:
Even if the document is an indexed file the command “edit → copy with source link” should return the link including the name of the document.

I couldn’t reproduce this so far, the result was the same and the expected one in both cases. But on your screenshot something’s definitely weird in both cases as DEVONthink doesn’t insert things ike http:x-devonthink-item://. Which version of DEVONthink and macOS do you use?

Finally, please note that Edit > Copy With Source Link is neither necessary nor recommended inside DEVONthink. Just copy text and then use Edit > Paste With Source Link, depending on the target document the right format is automatically chosen. Edit > Copy With Source Link is intended if you need to insert the snippet into other apps.

Thanks for checking! My fault: I pasted the wrong code: of course DEVONthink did not insert the “http:” prefix. But most important: I cannot reproduce the issue at all anymore and everything works fine with either “copy with source link” or “paste with source link”. Sorry for the unnecessary post.