Dear Devontech team, some wishes for DEVONagent, after all it soon is xmas:
- DA should warn the user when a search through a plugin has been throttled, since this is the source of much confusion. I am aware this is not easy for all search engines, but likely feasible for the major ones.
- The logs should include URLs that matched, i.e. also the results, to be able to compare / understand what went through, what failed to.
- DA should show in the window name (with a *) when a search has deviated from its original search set, to make the user aware of it.
- The digest tab should list the numbers of results per domain, to get an idea of the results topology.
- The settings pane in a search window should replicate all settings of a search set (as sub-panes).
Of course I know these will be considered and you won’t make promises. Just wanted to get you to know these were of interest to me.