Some feedbacks & feature request

Dear Devontech team, some wishes for DEVONagent, after all it soon is xmas:

  1. DA should warn the user when a search through a plugin has been throttled, since this is the source of much confusion. I am aware this is not easy for all search engines, but likely feasible for the major ones.
  2. The logs should include URLs that matched, i.e. also the results, to be able to compare / understand what went through, what failed to.
  3. DA should show in the window name (with a *) when a search has deviated from its original search set, to make the user aware of it.
  4. The digest tab should list the numbers of results per domain, to get an idea of the results topology.
  5. The settings pane in a search window should replicate all settings of a search set (as sub-panes).

Of course I know these will be considered and you won’t make promises. Just wanted to get you to know these were of interest to me.

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Exactly :slight_smile: Anyway, thanks for the suggestions!

You’re welcome. Thx for considering them.

Oh and some more that I forgot:

  • Make DA recognizable as a browser by OSX, for integrations.
  • Rename “General > Filter” setting in Search Sets to “filter out”, for clarity.

DEVONagent Pro can be already used as the default browser (but even in that case macOS uses frequently Safari for certain tasks)

P.S: Having to set the default browser now via System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Widgets makes absolutely sense… at least inside Cupertino :smiling_imp: