Sous Chrome demande à chaque capture de confirmer le lancement de DTP

Bonjour est ce que quelqu’un saurais me dire comment enlever la confirmation que oui je veux bien lancer DTP , je n’avais pas le problème sur DTP 2 / DTP3 sur les autres Browsers. Je suis un peu perplexe …

Hello, does anyone know how to tell me how to remove the confirmation that yes I want to run DTP, I didn’t have the problem on DTP 2 / DTP3 on the other Browsers. I’m a little confused…

It’s not recommended to install multiple versions of DEVONthink on the same computer, deinstalling version 2 should display the right alert (which is handled by the browser, it’s not one of the extension).

Thank you for the answer…
I have on your advice remove DTP V2.0 to keep only DTP v3.0
I have Reinstall DTP v3.0 on a blank session…
I am facing exactly the same problem…
I lost my entire DTP V2.0 (Sync & Co)…


Did you only remove the DEVONthink Pro 2 application? Then the databases (extension .dtBase2) should be still located on your computer. The synchronization might have to be set up again, see Preferences > Sync.

Okay, thanks a lot for the information. I’ll try this way