Stylesheets for Markdown?

ok bloody hell :slight_smile:

seems like that by restarting devonthink it Does pick up on the changes

any other method dosent work…this is what threw me off…

is that by design :)?



There is a sporadic condition where changes to external CSS files don’t always update the document automatically. We aren’t sure where the cause is since we aren’t caching it.

thx, been building a new css for myself so had to restart devonthink like 50 times today to see the changes :smiley: :smiley:

final question on this. How does one get DTTGO to use the same css/stylsheet. Is there a non hacky way to do so or do you have to add

<link href="/Users/zeltak/MLT/css/ztest.css" rel="stylesheet">

to each note?

I would rather not do so unless this feature will never come to DTTGO…if it will at some stage ill wait patiently :slight_smile:



That is not a hacky way to add external styling. That’s a standard method.

Another option is to use a MultiMarkdown metadata header, e.g., CSS: styles.css. This must be at the very top of the Markdown file.

thx I guess hacky wasn’t the right word :slight_smile:

is there no plans to have the default stylesheet option in DTTGO, ie this

and if not can one reference the css from a online repo such as dropbox or does one have to use a x-devonthink-item:// link to do so?

have a great and safe weekend all


iOS ≠ macOS so adding such things is not necessarily easily done, even from just the need for additional UI. It is on our list of possible things to look into but obviously no promises.

You don’t have to use an x-devonthink-item link but a link in an online Dropbox account will not work. However, you could use a link from your local Dropbox folder.

thx for the answer!

btw I tried and this seems to work from dropbox in DT:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


Interesting. I was trying the MultiMarkdown header method. let me check…

Nope. I’m not seeing that work either.

Quit and relaunch DEVONthink to make sure it’s not just cached.

hi again @BLUEFROG.

it does work after a restart and also works on DTTGO!! Whehoo! :slight_smile:

To use the css from dropbox in you will need to make a small adjustment to the URL by changing the ‘www.‘ in the URL to ‘dl.‘

For example:

should be converted to

Ie the final link looks like

then I added this to the top of the file

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

and it works in both!

let me know if this works for you, very useful!



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Interesting. I will try that out. Thanks for the follow up.

Works as expected. Nice find (though it does require an active Internet connection to work). :slight_smile:

@lpuerto Thanks for the Typora suggestion. It’s really improved my workflow.

This works perfectly well in DEVONthink! I used to use Typora’s CSS stylesheets, but they did not render correctly in DT.

Hi groovytwo, the file link you provided is missing, could you please re-share it again, please?

People can put them in ~/Library/Application Support/DEVONthink 3/StyleSheets if they’d like.

Can stylesheets be aliased to that location, or they have to live there natively? Also, can you set the stylesheet preferences in Media > Style Sheet to an alias, or does it have to point to the original?

This folder is only intended for stylesheets for RSS news.

It has to be the original.

Hello @yee,

No problem, here is the link.


Thanks again.

On Mac Power Users, co-host David Sparks recommends using the code formatting in Markdown for notes and annotations. I tried that but at first it didn’t work for me; I need my notes and annotations to really pop – jump out at me when I’m scanning a document.

Solution: Very simple CSS to render code with a yellow background:

* {
    font-family: "Menlo";

pre, code  {
    background-color: yellow;
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hei @BLUEFROG is there a way to reach this behaviour w/o internet connection? I understand that answer is no today, right? That would be an awesome feature for any future release of DTTG.

Link for context: Using DEVONthink as a Read-it-later Service – The Sweet Setup

Instapaper and Pocket have put so much more thought into their typography and content layout. Yes DEVONthink has some modest options for text size, but none them make much difference in the quality of the reading experience.

I tend to use DTTG as read-me-later service (that works great) and was researching a way to adjust the default styling of the sheets (to make is pleasing for the eyes).