Suggestions for annotations between DT, Bookends and Obsidian

Well, the grammar is ambiguous, but “to go” was meant to be part of the sentence. Now I know why people write DTP or DTP3 rather than abbreviating to DT. I have learned my lesson!

I want to go to the containing folder in DTP3, and Instances sounds exactly what I am looking for, but I do not see it in any context menu.

If an item is replicated, then the Reveal In Database contextual menu command has a submenu to choose the desired enclosing folder.

Yes, but that is the command I am not seeing. The script that I got from this thread takes me to a PDF editing window, where the only commands are PDF editing/annotating ones, without the items you and Bluefrog have mentioned. If I right clik the sidebar on the right I get nothing.They are precisely what I cannot find. I hoped someone on this thread might know how to modify the script to get to a better place in DTP3 where I can see those commands.

Did you use the contextual menu of the item list? Is the item replicated or duplicated?

Contextual menu in the item list on a replicated item…

How about CMD+R?
It reveals the open PDF in its group, selected!

Thank you! Command-R does near enough what I want. I say near enough because it would be icing on the cake if it closed the PDF window as well as going to the enclosing folder. The context menus will be useful later on - at least when I am using a real database rather than the tiny demo one I have been using to test scripts written by users not by DT people.

Is there a list of all keyboard shortcuts in DTP3 somewhere? If there is, I missed it. Such a list could be very useful.

In answer to the other replies, the problem was that I did not get there through the DTP3 menus, but I got to this window directly from Bookend using the script in the thread. This is why I was getting a different context menu item.

Thanks again for the help.

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