Here are two feature suggestions for Markdown documents in DTP.
It would be helpful if a right-click on an image in the DTP Markdown viewer offered the option to “Show Image in Database.” Currently, when I want to make changes to an image while viewing a Markdown file in the DTP viewer (not the editor), I have to switch to the editor to find its location and then search for it in the database.
Could you consider implementing a live preview with side-by-side scrolling for the editor and viewer in Markdown documents? Alternatively, it would be beneficial if clicking on a word, paragraph, or image in the Markdown viewer would cause the editor window to scroll to the corresponding position.
I appreciate that @cgrunenberg and @BLUEFROG are always attentive to feedback. I fully understand that not all suggestions can be implemented, and that the feature request list is extensive and must be carefully prioritized.
I understand that the development team may not respond directly, so your input is valuable. I know there are no guarantees or public roadmaps, and that’s perfectly fine.
Your approach is intriguing—how did you achieve it? If I drag and drop an image into a markdown document, they are not clickable.
Somewhat related: in an HTML document in DT, you can highlight some text in rendered view, and DT will wrap it up with a span tag in the source. This feature is only available in the Preview view, not in the Side-by-side view. I don’t know the actual reason; My own thought is, if user actions in the rendered view are “synced” back to the source view, there could be issues concerning unsaved changes to the source.
I fully understand and appreciate this. My second suggestion—allowing users to jump to the corresponding section in the editor or vice versa by clicking on a word—might be easier to implement than a real live scrolling mode. Nevertheless, it would be a good compromise. However, as I am not a developer, I will wait patiently.