Hi There !
I am new to DevonThink, using it for a few weeks now. I tried to google a answer, no luck.
The problem:
Documents are being scanned into a database on a desktop mac in germany. I am travelling at the moment and I want to have a copy of the database on my laptop.
I tried SYNC with the option “local sync store”, located on a NAS. I connect to the NAS by VPN. If I point my laptops sync store to the same location where the desktop is syncing, I get a error message: “filename.dtcloud” ist already existing. Overwrite ?"
I tried to delete the databases on the laptop, create any empty database, still no luck, same error message.
Since I have no documents yet on the laptop, I tought I could simply sync, like once a week, to have a fairly up to date database (which is sufficiant for me).
I decided to use sync, because the database will grow and I don’t want to copy every week some giga bytes of data, believing that sync is only transferring the new documents and changes.
Am I misunderstanding something ?