Sync (Dropbox) producing groups instead of tags in a few instances

I confess I haven’t yet tried sync’ing over a local network to see if that resolves the issue, but one instance of my DT database (on a MacBook Air) has resulted in some tags appearing as groups at the root level of the database; continued sync’ing has not resulted in those groups porting over to other instances (iOS devices, Mac Mini), where the database remains consistent in producing those tags as tags. I’ve tried verifying/repairing the database, not sure what other things to try. Still fairly well a noob.

Screen captures would be helpful. We can’t see your screen from here :blush:

I don’t know that a screenshot can help much more… the numbered groups are meant to be groups, and the z_Archive, but everything else is supposed to be a tag. There’s also a whole group of tags that have gone missing. I will try a local sync when I get around to it but kinda just need things to work at the moment :-/ Just wondered if there are any database-repairing things I need to try…

I get this too occasionally. It seems to be a ‘quirk’ of DTTG. If the tag is on a group, DTTG shows the tag as a folder in the tags list.

Screenshots. The planning tag is also on a group called planning which has ‘planning’ tagged items in it.

On which device did you create these tags and how exactly?

In my case, all the tags were generated in DTPO. Here they look fine:
CleanShot 2024-06-27 at 08.51.19@2x

Opening the planning tag:

From earlier post, it is DTTG that appears to turn tag into a ‘group’ icon if there is a group tagged.

Sync method used: Dropbox
DTPO 3.9.6 MacOS Sonoma 14.5
DTTP 3.8.4 iOS 17.5.1

According to the screenshots everything seems to work as expected actually. But only screenshots of the complete window would be sufficient to judge this.

I think I set everything up on the Mac Mini (where it’s working fine).

So why does the planning tag in DTTG show as a ‘folder’ symbol rather than a tag symbol like it does in DTPO? Just curious.

Is the tag excluded from tagging in DEVONthink 3 or DEVONthink To Go 3? Or does the tag have any tags on its own or was it replicated?

I just tagged a group in DEVONthink To Go and it appears as a tag…

I tried creating a test database, but unable to reproduce the behaviour. Deleting the ‘planning’ tag and then recreating it has now sync’d to DTTG correctly and displays as a tag icon not a group icon.

If I get one again, I will try and reproduce in a test database to find out the steps that caused it.

Much appreciated. :slight_smile: