Sync problems between MacBook Pro DT3 (3.9.8) and iOS DT (3.8.8)

I have DT3 running on a MacBook Pro running Sequoia and DT on my iPhone 16. Both apparently running fine by themselves, but sync isn’t happening between them. It was working, but not now. I think the last time I used it was before I got the iPhone 16 and upgraded my MacBook Pro to Sequoia. On my Macbook Pro, I have both dropbox and iCloud (CloudKit) checked. When I push the cloud icon at the bottom of the iPhone in DT, it says it is syncing with iCloud (Legacy) and last synchronized today a moment ago. When I select either of them in the left column (locations), I can see databases listed and checked in the right (local) column. In each of the right (local) databases, I can highlight them and right click, choose Synchronize, and it appears to run. Yet no sync happens. On my iPhone I can pull down the screen to refresh, but I see that nothing comes over from the MacBook Pro. In testing, I’ve set the MacBook Pro to synchronize every minute, but still nothing. I am not sure what should be done now. Please advise.

Welcome to DEVONthink and this forum.

I couldn’t quite get my head around what you are experiencing … but a few takes:

  • The outstanding “DEVONthink Manual” has a troubleshooting section on troubleshooting sync issues. Please see page 390 of the 3.9.8 version for suggestions to resolve.
  • You mention using Apple’s iCloud(legacy) and Apple’s iCloud (CloudKit). Some people (as reported here ad nauseum) have noted issues with the unreliability of Apple’s sync services with DEVONthink. If you must use Apple’s sync services, pick one–or None.
  • Sounds like you don’t have Dropbox setup on the iPhone, but setup on Mac?
  • Do you really need a third party internet sync service? Bonjour is normally quicker and very reliable across the local network between the two machines.

If after going through the published Troubleshooting suggestions, and perhaps removing the two Apple Services and Dropbox and start over with Bonjour only, let us know here what happened, error messages, etc.

Change your phone to use CloudKit.

Why do you have all these different sync methods enabled??

Have you looked at the In & Out > Sync section of the built-in Help and manual?

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