Sync smart groups?

You’re welcome.

Hi. Is there still no progress here after more than 4 years of discussion? I would also like to use smart groups in DEVONthin To Go.
Many greetings from Munich

No this is not available at this time. As you can see, many things have changed in the past four years, just not this particular feature.

Something similar can be done using a smart ruler instead of a smart group. You can assign a label as a result of the rule and then search for it in DTTG by putting label = 1 ( or 2,3,4 … ) in the search field. Using it will often appear in recent searches. You can also assign a tag and then search for it in DTTG. Not ideal, but it works

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A workaround, but the main feature is still sorely needed!

It’s been over 6 years…can smart groups in Devonthink sync with DTTG yet?

Smart groups have always synced between DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go. They’ve just been hidden since they’re non-functional.

Supporting smart groups isn’t a simple matter as the underlying technologies between DEVONthink and DEVONthink To Go aren’t the same.

Also, the moment synced smart groups from DEVONthink are functional, what’s the immediate demand we’ll get? “Why can’t I edit the smart groups in DEVONthink To Go?!” and “Why can’t I make my own smart groups directly in DEVONthink To Go?!?”

This requires UI modifications that aren’t trivial to implement on mobile, especially on small form-factor devices. Also, certain UI elements aren’t available on Apple’s mobile platform. So finding a third-party framework or having to develop our own is required.

Yes, not much use if they’re sync’d but non-functional! Maybe Devonthink and DTTG need to become a bit closer. Apple is generally moving towards making OSX and iOS more compatible.

Smart groups are my main way of organising files, and I doubt I’m alone in that. If they’re not functional in DTTG it makes DTTG a bit redundant, at least for me.

Yes, DEVONthink To Go is not a portable replacement for DEVONthink. A supplement to DEVONtgink and limited to what it does.

I use often to read, take notes, and do a bit of document pruning while out and about. Great for that.

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I’m sure you’re not alone, but we have no metrics showing how many people used this type of organization.

Fair enough. Smart groups are a pretty universal feature across many apps though. Would be great to be able to access them on our tablets…

  • On mobile?
    • And with the ability to create or edit them?

I wouldn’t call it universal :wink:

Not create or edit maybe, but as tablets are often “consumption” devices, I think just the ability to use them would be a big step forward. I don’t think your previous arguments holds, about people wanting more. Let’s send man to the moon, as then they’ll just want to go to Mars. Oh wait…


Many, many years of support certainly say otherwise :wink:

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I can imagine! But they’re the ones paying you for it…

Yes, but paying for things doesn’t make things simpler to implement. I paid good money for my Mazda 6 but I don’t think they’ll ever make it fly :wink:

Back to the topic lol. Is there any workaround on DTTG on the iPad to be able to browse the smart groups?


Not at this time. As noted, they are non-functional at the moment due to the differences in the underlying technologies.


This is the workaround that I use.

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I also use a replication approach for certain groups/folders that I want to have available on iOS devices. I do it slightly differently than the approach linked to above, but the idea is basically the same: use a (separate) smart rule to replicates items matched by the (original) smart rule. The destination group where the rule puts the replicants is sync’ed normally, and thus the items are available on iOS. Since the items are replicated and not duplicated, changes to the items (e.g., annotations made on PDFs on an iPad) are reflected in all replicants (per usual DEVONthink behavior), including the ones that are matched by the (original) smart rule.