Sync to extra MacBook

Hello, I work on an iMac in my homeoffice where I keep my masterdatabase files of DevonThink 3.9.4 Pro, and I want to connect and sync these five databases to a MacBook on which I installed a seat for DT3pro as well. I could sync on the local Wifi-network, however I need to use VPN, which makes a bonjour connection impossible.

I want to install sync via CloudKit but I keep having “invalid encryption key” in the log, and I can’t see the databases under “remote” (I did this before in the past with different computers and then I could see and click the databases on my iMac to start the sync).

I am sure I used exactly the same key on my iMac and MacBook. I tried to clean location and remove location and tried again.

I also removed “cloudy CloudKit key” from key chain before I tried again with clean install.

Any idea what might be the problem or my mistake?

Thank you very much for the attention.


If both machines are on the same network, it should work, I think.

Have you searched the forum for “key sync”? I’m fairly certain that this has been discussed before, and that it’s not a DT issue.

Unfortunately, “key sync” doesn’t return any hits. I read a lot of messages on the forum, for instance I searched “invalid encryption key” but I can’t seem to find the right answer.

Could it have to do with the key:

DEVONthink 3 WebCrypto Master Key


“key cloudkit” does. I mainly wanted to draw your attention to the fact that others had similar problems and perhaps a solution has been found already.

CloudKit is causing trouble for many DT users (while some are happy with it). Dropbox and WebDAV are reportedly more reliable, as is Bonjour. Which should run over a VPN if both machines are on the same subnet.

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Thank you! I installed the bonjour connection and it seems to be syncing all right with VPN on.

That’s a great solution. It’s true, in the past I had some hiccups with CloudKit. But it has its advantages, when I’m abroad. I will research some more, for now I’ll keep on going with the bonjour sync.

Thank you very much!

All the best,


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Even than you could Bonjour via VPN if both machines are on the same subnet.

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