Sync to Multiple DropBox accounts

Is it possible for me to use two different Dropbox accounts for syncing depending on which database I am choosing to sync?

If the answer is no, would it work if I set up a second Mac user account with access to my databases and set up that second user account with a different Dropbox account for syncing?

This isn’t possible.

This should be possible. Why do you need multiple accounts?

I need multiple accounts because DT3 is now becoming a major part of my office workflow rather than just something I use personally. In other words, my staff now uploads and tags documents in preparation for my review.

A lot of that collaborative or prep work my staff does can be done via the Web Server, but some tasks are done a lot more easily through the main Mac interface, especially when working with very large or numerous files.

But not all staff should have access to all of my databases - for reasons of privacy to myself and my clients. So if can sync with different Dropbox accounts, that would let me manage who has access to which data.

I suppose another way around this would be to use one Dropbox account but different encryption passwords on each database.

You could use one sync store for your private databases and another one (or more) for your staff and use different encryption keys for them.

That would work as long as I don’t have to share with staff the password for my personal dropbox login.

If I connect DT3 to my “collaborative” Dropbox login, can I then use my regular personal Dropbox login as the one logged into the Dropbox app and used to sync all my other non-DT3 files?

If I connect DT3 to my “collaborative” Dropbox login, can I then use my regular personal Dropbox login as the one logged into the Dropbox app and used to sync all my other non-DT3 files?

No. Again, you cannot connect DEVONthink to more than one Dropbox account.

I realize that Devonthink cannot be connected to more than one Dropbox account.

My question is - once I have configured Devonthink for a given dropbox account, do I need to still have the regular Dropbox app installed? Does it have to be running? Does it have to be logged into the same Dropbox account as used with Devonthink? Or is Devonthink totally independent of the Dropbox app and set to do its own thing once it is connected to a given set of Dropbox credentials?

Exactly. The is not required.

Thanks -that helps a lot