I very much want to use DevonThink to organize research for a book I’m writing, but it means having access to my material home AND on the road (laptop, etc.)
I am currently trying to make my Mac laptop synch with my desktop Mac (and iPad), and it is NOT GOING WELL.
On laptop and desktop Macs. my databases are contained in a folder called “Databases”, which is in the folder with my name inside the “Users” folder.
When I change names of files or tags, they are NOT changing in both files.
EXAMPLE: I have a tag in my desktop file with SIX documents beneath it; on my laptop, there are THREE.
Under SYNC on my laptop, I go to iCloud (Cloudkit), which is checked. It lists LOCAL databases, including the desktop database I’m trying to synch.
What do I have to do to make this particular database synch? This used to be easy.
QUICKEST UPDATE EVER: My laptop suddenly and spontaneously announced it was “repairing databases” snd an “update” bar appeared. When finished, I had an exact updated copy of my database and its contents on my laptop. Experimenting now with updating, etc.
UPDATE: I’m making tiny changes and they are synching immediately. All is well!
Well, it’s syncing but as you can see from the fact nothing changed in DEVONthink in the meantime, the issue is not with our application.
May i ask why are you using a remote sync option like CloudKit?
See this recent blog post, which leads to other resouces including a forum post:
I very much appreciate the link to Local and Remote Sync options because I’ve been a bit confounded by how to be confident about my synch set-up – when you ask “why are you using a remote sync option like CloudKit?” - I genuinely don’t know when or why that became the go-to solution.
I will very definately head over to the link you provided and “re-educate” myself so I can be confident about my database situation across devices.
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You’re welcome and I hope it makes things more clear.