Synchronize Buttons Not Showing

I noticed awhile back that the Synchronize and Synchronize All buttons on my toolbar are grayed out. I thought it might be related to me removing sync and only using Bonjour. The File > Synchronize is also grayed out on files that are synced.

Are the buttons supposed to show up when using Bonjour?

The button relates to a database, not a file.

But should they be grayed out at all times? How do you force a sync on the Mac side when using Bonjour?

Clients connect to the server but the server can’t update clients on its own. You have to enable incoming Bonjour connections on iOS too and add a direct connection from the Mac to iOS. Afterwards the toolbar items should be functional.

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Thanks for the clarification. It would be nice to be able to sync all from the Mac but I don’t want to mess up anything with my existing sync, so I will initiate from iOS. Btw existing sync is working great!