Ok I believe this is the last setup question–thank you all (and especially @bluefrog) for putting up with what I hope have been sufficiently justifiable queries.
This one is really weird. I’ve now set up several DevonThink databases that simply Index specific folders of PDFs in my Finder/Dropbox–essentially to serve as the front end management and search engine for ALL my research PDFs. I’ve set the same software/Finder architecture up across three different Macs, which are now all talking to each other very nicely (with the underlying PDFs mirrored on all three computers via Dropbox and the database existing separately on each computer, syncing through the built in Devonthink sync process)
Here’s the thing. I spent about 3 hours yesterday tagging many of the PDFs–stuff like “Priority” “Finished Reading” “History” “Law” “Excellent” “Scanned for [search term]”, so that searching along those dimensions will be very easy. Then I synced the databases and quit DevonThink. When I opened the database again, almost all of the tags were wiped from the individual files, though the Tag as a category continued to exist in the “Tags” folder.
I re-tagged one of the folders this morning to see if it would happen again, and it did. This time I screen shotted, here’s a Before pic (when I’d tagged everything but hadn’t yet quit):
and here’s an After pic (after the syncing had happened and stripped the tags off of almost all the files):
I’ve been researching this all day, and have ruled out various things. Based on what the manual said about tagging indexed items, I thought maybe they’d be visible in the MacOS. Nope: here’s a search for one of the tags that I originally attached to like 40 items; only 3 remain even when looked at from the Finder:
The best clue I’ve found is the Dropbox sync record, which shows the tagged files being updated after I open DevonThink the second time. So something is happening to them in the Finder that undoes the tags.
But what!?? It feels like the answer might be implied in either this thread or this one, but I’m not good enough with software architecture to completely get it. This is a total shot in the dark, but would the “DisableFinderTags” preference referenced in those posts be relevant here? That’s the best I can figure out from my technically impaired research today, but there’s no way I want to try it unless I understand what it does.
Help?? Tagging these PDF files as described above would be an absolute gamechanger for search and workflow management. I’m really really hoping to figure it out…