Templates tutorials?

Hey folks,
I’m trying to learn more about how to use scripts and templates to customize my experience of DTPO 2.x. However, I’m not even sure what tools would be suggested for learning these things.

Does anyone have advice for me or a link to a template and/or scripting tutorial?


Look, I know you are all very busy, but if someone can give me a few pointers for how to tune my own templates to achieve what the demo templates do (for example, the Project template that creates requests a project name and creates a folder hierarchy!) then I’ll familiarize myself with how to do this and then post detailed instructions back to here so other folks like me won’t have to bother you with this request anymore. so I’ll pay back a few minutes of off-the-cuff advice with something to serve the community here. —Matt

Simple templates don’t require scripting, see Appendix > Templates. But you can also have a look at source of the included template scripts - just change the extensions templatescript(d) to scpt(d) and open them in Apple’s Script Editor.

Ah-ha! that’s the secret. Thank you for the note. I’ll experiment with scripting now… —Matt

I’d also really like to see a short series of tutorials on creating simple to advanced and scripted templates. The documentation is a bit terse, plus I believe a step-by-step guide is usually a better way for me to get started, while detailed technical documentation is great for referencing while working outside the range of a guide.

We will add a tutorial about this when DEVONthink 2.0 is out and when we’re updating the DEVONacademy.