The content of specific files is not being included in search results

I am only in the beginning stages of learning to use DT, but I have gotten far enough to know that its search function returns “hits” which show up in the content of the files being searched. Providing a results panel which shows each “hit” with the context in which it is found is particularly helpful.

I have a set of files - Volume 1 through Volume 6 - for which this functionality no longer seems to be working. While the files - and their contents - were returned in previous searches, now they are no longer being included at all.

What are some reasons why previously identified files are no longer being included in the search results?

A screenshot might be helpful, as might be otter information like the type of files etc

Thanks, chrillek. The files are pdfs.

Figure 1 shows an even weirder, but no doubt related, problem. The top of the screenshot shows using “v?of6” to return all six of the files in question. The bottom shows how entering the search term, “cellulitus”, causes them to disappear.

Figure 1

In Figure 2, a different search term is entered and, oddly enough, DT finds the term in each of the files and returns the results with context:

Figure 2

A logical assumption would be that the word “cellulitus” is not in the files. I can provide another screenshot, if necessary, showing a search of just one of the files to demonstrate that the the word “cellulitus” is truly in the content.

Thanks, much.

  • Why do you have All set to v?of6 when it’s clearly in the Name?
  • And have you read this…


Thanks for the follow up.

I didn’t have a reason for using ALL rather than NAME other than, because I’m a newbie, not wanting to miss anything. Regardless, when I run the search with NAME, the results are the same.

I took a look at your article and I am well-familiar with the text layer of a pdf (before I retired, one of my big gripes was getting a scan from a colleague which had NOT been OCR’d).

I opened one of the files in Nitro PDF so that I could run a search on “cellulit u s” and provide a screenshot showing that the word really did exist in the text layer when - much to my chagrin - I discovered that I had a typo; the word is “cellulit i s.”

I really can’t believe I created a post without first eliminating the possibility that there was a rudimentary culprit like “poor typing.” Would this forum be well-served by simply deleting my post and the follow ups since this was a case of PIC (problem in chair)?

Thank you.


No need to remove it. These things can be beneficial to future readers :slight_smile: